I actually finished my mod 1 homework before the due date. Looking ahead, it looks like this might be the only time that happens. I've got major amounts of work to do, in two subjects that are totally new to me. While I'm looking forward to it, I'm a little worried about getting it all done.
In Still Life I'm using oil paints for the first time in my life, actually this is the first time I've even attempted to paint a picture since probably grade school. We started out just working in shades of gray, cool since I've been working in charcoal for a while. Next week we'll be adding some color to the mix. I can tell I was concentrating so hard on getting the paint to bend to my will, that I totally messed up the structure of my forms. All in all, I'm still ok with how it turned out.
Figure Modeling was pretty easy this week, but it's going to ramp up quickly to hurt me, I can tell. The main part objectives this week were to build our armature, which is the skeleton we'll be putting our clay on, and gathering our supplies. I'm really happy with how it turned out.